Promoting Recovery: Young Adult First Episode Psychosis Initiative

This project has been completed and is not currently active. VCPI is currently partnering with CSAC on developing a new digital CNA/Open Dialogue resource.

EEP Advisory Committee Members
Malaika Puffer, Healthcare and Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont
Amos Meacham, Pathways Vermont
Sandy Steingard, Howard Center
Matt Wolf, Vermont Federation for Families
Sandy Smith, Counseling Service of Addison County, Inc.
Laura Flint, Vermont Department of Mental Health
Carolyn McBain, Vermont Department of Mental Health
Patricia Singer, Vermont Department of Mental Health
Bill McMains, Child Psychiatrist, Community Member
Liz McCaulay, Averte
Abby Levinsohn, Pathways Vermont
Robert Doran, Counseling Service of Addison County, Inc.
Calvin Moen
Christopher Woods, Vermont Psychiatric Survivors
Dana Robson, Vermont Department of Mental Health
David Rettew, Vermont Department of Mental Health
Ellie Bishop, Counseling Service of Addison County, Inc.
Gloria Van Den Berg, Alyssum
Jane Winterling, Copeland Center
Katie Wilson Cell, Copeland Center
Kaysha Coccia
Kiah Palumbo, Vermont Department of Mental Health
Leslie Nelson, Howard Center
Lynn McCormick, Healthcare and Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont
Lysa Mosca, Healthcare and Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont
Mary A. Cox
Rich Wrase, Healthcare and Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont
Samantha Thomas
Santini “Sunny” Leporati, Another Way
Ralph “Skip” Irish, Vermont Department of Mental Health
Steve Reigle, Counseling Service of Addison County, Inc.
Ward Nial
Will Eberle, Vermont Agency of Human Services
Zelda Alpern, Counseling Service of Addison County, Inc.

Ken Minkoff, MD, Zia Partners
Nev Jones, PhD, Researcher, Stanford University
Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Team

SAMHSA Website


Promoting Recovery: Young Adults Early-Episode Psychosis (EEP) Initiative
Project Outline
This project has been completed and is not currently active.The Vermont Department of Mental Health has partnered with VCPI and consultants to launch a multi-year initiative to adopt evidence- based interventions and treatment approaches for young adults experiencing first-episode psychosis.

The first year of funding was dedicated to planning, training, and infrastructure development. The second year focused on program implementation and workforce development. During the initial year, the principals worked with a diverse group of stakeholders, including young adults, family members, a diverse array of mental health and peer providers, and other state partners serving both youth and adults. The stakeholders began the process of identifying and prioritizing the target population and, to date, have completed a review of several current evidence-based and promising practices for that target population.

The Dartmouth Psychiatric Research team completed an ethnographic study and those findings combined with reviews of other research and consultation with national experts the Department of Mental Health, with the advisement of the Advisory Committee, invested most of the Mental Health Block Grant 10% set-aside funding to support the continued development and implementation of Collaborative Network Approach CNA, Vermont’s version of Open Dialogue). CNA has now had several successful years into the project with the goal of eventual state-wide implementation.

The DMH and the EEP Advisory Committee meet quarterly and continue to identify other best practice system and treatment approaches for addressing the needs of a youth population that may transcend usual age boundaries for service eligibility.


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Institute


Six Core Strategies Initiative and Learning Community